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  • Conformation Classes

    The official term for dog shows is conformation — as in, the act of conforming or producing conformity. While a dog show may look like a beauty pageant, it’s not. Dogs are not being compared to each other; they’re being measured by how closely they conform to the standard of their particular breed. As one of the most popular AKC events, conformation events range from large all-breed shows, with over 3,000 dogs entered, to small local specialty club shows that feature only one breed. More information at the AKC website.

    Course content:

    • Familiarity with breed standards and their importance
    • Reviewing your specific breed standard to evaluate your dog’s faults and positives
    • Canine anatomy terminology
    • Proper equipment use for exhibiting specific breeds
    • Show procedures and attitude
    • Movement patterns
    • Stacking your dog considering the breed
    • Ring appearance
    • Good sportsmanship
    • Nonverbal signs from judges



    CDTC is currently NOT offering Conformation classes but hopes to do so again soon.