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Family Dog is a comprehensive good manners program for all dogs. While participating in enjoyable activities that are fun for both dogs and people, dogs become well-socialized and develop a lifelong bond with their owners. Classes begin with teaching basic skills such as sit, down, and come and they build on these skills as dogs move from one activity to the next. The result is a dog that any owner can be proud to take into the community. For all current CDTC classes in-session or available, click HERE.
For all dogs over 20 weeks old.
This class exposes new and experienced dog owners to the training that dogs need for good manners at home and in public, and perhaps for eventual obedience competition. This class also provides students with the opportunity to teach their dogs proper behavior in the presence of other people and dogs. All training is done on leash. This class is not for dogs who are human- or dog-aggressive as teams are near to each other during class. Prior enrollment in Puppy Kindergarten is not required for dogs over 20 weeks old.
Prerequisites: Dogs at least 5 months old.
Next Class: Family Dog 2
Students will learn to get behaviors on cue more consistently, to teach their dogs to perform for longer periods, to do stays at greater distances, and to work with their dogs around greater distractions (the 3 Ds of training—duration, distance, distraction) At the end of this 6-week course, you and your dog might even be ready to take the Canine Good Citizen test!
Prerequisites: Dogs must be a graduate of Family Dog 1.
Next Class: Obedience Skills for Rally, Fundamentals of Competition Obedience, Agility
Intro Agility info: Agility