• agility-handling


    Agility- Handling

    All handling classes will combine exercises geared toward learning specific skills, and experience running full courses. Courses will be pegged to the novice and open level, and some class time will be focused on preparing students for competition, should students be interested in competing.

    Handling A—skills taught include, at a minimum, the following:

    Advanced Front Crosses
Advanced Rear Crosses
Serpentines and Threadles
Out Command

    Handling B—skills taught will include, at a minimum, the following:

    Lead outs (with pivot)
Reverse Flow Pivot
180s and 270s
Blind Crosses


    This sequence of three classes—Handling AHandling B, and Contacts & Weaves—will rotate in sequence. (For example, in some years, Handling A will be offered in the first session of the year, Handling B will be offered in the second session, Contacts & Weaves will be offered in the third session, and Handling A will be offered in the fourth session.)

    All handling classes will combine exercises geared toward learning specific skills, and experience running full courses. It is expected that during one’s time in the handling classes, handlers will begin to show their dogs at the Novice level of competition. Accordingly, courses will be pegged to the novice and open level, and some class time will be focused on preparing students for competition.